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Clara Graziolino's Kintsugi Workshop in Madrid

Learning how to be safe to be vulnerable enough to be creative and break. Alchemy of the human soul.

I’d like to introduce you to Clara and her Kintsugi workshop which she runs over two days in the most amazingly beautiful and vital part of old Madrid. Her workshop creates stillness and her appreciation of being part of Nature is evident.

Learning to see that it’s safe to be vulnerable when one’s mobility is still as restricted as mine is a journey of itself for me. What was familiar, before suffering a brain cancer, was to have spent many years at the top of the cycle of human life.

Surviving it was not only almost miraculous but meant the beginning of the inevitable descent into vulnerability.

Having spent years learning how to use power in a kind and supportive way has been a journey I have made and deeply enjoyed. But, as I wrote, the consequence is to change again. Going to this workshop was a gift from two years ago from my lovely partner and something I really wanted to use.

I didn’t speak the language it was being offered in; knew something of the processes of pottery and glueing, but still largely new. In my own way, I understood much about the philosophy of Kintsugi:

completely understanding the way Life breaks the valuable in us and the need to preserve that gentle soul energy/porcelain, and learning the skills of seeing that to staple the breakage is insufficient. So acquiring the skills to reforming it introducing more beauty, creating something new and gold is the alchemy of soul. A metaphor for how we can manage in our lives.

My daughter-in-law, Andrina’s willingness to support me and come along as translator for me meant she also found herself in the familiar role of being teacher’s assistant with the one of people on the course. She could also model her original handmade shoes www.Prospere something to see more of them.

The Spanish participants were not expecting to have to make space for me with my very limited amount of understanding of their language. They were there for the course. In truth I was an intrusion. Nevertheless I was warmly welcomed.

Clara clearly has much experience of meditation and she brings atmosphere into this workshop. Her love of exalting the ordinary in her creative work was the quiet truth surrounding us. I found it was easy to relax and be receptive to what she was offering. Her stages were carefully worked out and there was enough space for each one of us

to achieved each of them over the period of two days.

We became a lovely group where it was safe to develop our individual interests and share our experiences. An ongoing WhatsApp group formed made by Sophia, the youngest member who had bought the workshop as a gift for her courageous and generous mother Natasha. And this is what they have agreed I can share here for you.

I think as you look at this video, you will see that every single one of us got more than just a carefully mended pair of porcelain bowls. One might say we all found a gold within ourselves.

I hope you enjoy this. It’s pure Art Is Medicine hence its place on my blog and this website.

Please do contact Clara www.Clara if you fancy a trip to Madrid and the chance to do experience this and see more of her work.


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