End of Life and Palliative Care
The Copper Bowl, Taunton Hospice
The copper bowl was originally commissioned for the Taunton Hospice to be used as a means of formalising a strategy already identified as required. Staff were struggling when finding that that one of their patients had died as they came on duty. The bowl was created to give them forewarning.
As time went on, it was moved to the lobby as so many patients found that being adjacent to it ,as it bubbled away, was both calming and helped them begin to talk over their concerns with staff. It was also the focus for Christmas Fund Raising.
Tree of Life Installation
A tree carries the leaves that have the final answer to five questions that allow people to seek out the personal alchemy of their lives. In the Autumn the leaves are removed and returned to the people who were part of the project.
The 5 Questions:
What was the happiest day of your life?
When was the most difficult time of your life?
How did you get through it?
What did you learn from it?
If you could offer one piece of wisdom as a result of your experience, what would that be?
How would you answer these questions?